Blue Moon
Boudoir Blog
Inspiration, And Planning Tips
Everything Looks Better in Black & White
I recently noticed a trend. Even though only some of each month’s posts on Social Media were about black and white photography, it turned out that these were the most popular posts. And I think I can understand why.
Photographing the Mature Model
Today's Post by Blue Moon Staff I strongly think that all women are beautiful and have always held that neither the size, ethnicity nor age of the woman being photographed matters when creating an artful photograph. When photograping any model, especially a mature...
Your First Glamour Shoot: What Do You Say to a Naked Model
Developing a good working relationship with a glamour model begins from the first moment you meet her. Maybe it’s at a casting session but in most cases it’s when she rings your doorbell for the first time.
Welcome to the New Blue Moon
The focus of the site will now be on photographers and models with an emphasis on showing photographers the kind of lighting and photographic techniques that can be used to create glamour and boudoir images.