Blue Moon
Boudoir Blog
Inspiration, And Planning Tips
Let’s Celebrate Halloween!
As adults you don’t usually get a chance to wear your Halloween costume more than just once a year. Wearing a costume lets us create the kind of images that are fun to make for both photographer and client.
Have You Ever Dreamed About Being a Model?
Dreams can become a reality when we possess a vision that is characterized by the willingness to work hard, a desire for excellence, and a belief in our right and our responsibility to be equal members of society.—Janet Jackson
Wearing Clothing Or Not? It’s Always the Model’s Decision
Modern boudoir photography is characterized by empowering its female subjects, who are now typically a photographer’s clients rather than professional models.
Warming Up for a Glamour Shoot
This post is about the current warm up technique that I’m using with models for in-studio glamour shoots. The process would be different for an on-location shoot. This is what I prefer tio do you may prefer a different approach and what works for you is better than any I might suggest.
Creating a Sexy Friend Portrait
Recently we received a phone call from a woman who asked us about doing “a sexy friend shoot” with her and a female friend before that person moved out of town. She seemed shy asking about the details until I assured her that more than a few women, of all age groups, are interested in this kind of intimate portrait.
Pregnant Boudoir Photography? Why Not?
Boudoir photography is practiced by many portrait photographers and includes the kind of sexy photographs that wives and girlfriends give their significant others for Valentines Day.