Blue Moon
Boudoir Blog
Inspiration, And Planning Tips
Perfection Isn’t All What it’s Cracked Up to Be
Today's Post by Blue Moon Staff One of my Italian grandfather’s favorite expressions was, “If you spend your life trying to be happy, it will make you miserable.” I think the same thing could be said for some people’s quest for perfection in their appearance,...
What to Wear for Your Intimate Portrait
What to Wear for Your Intimate Portrait: Our answer to the above and perennial question is always the same: Whatever you want.
Let’s Work Together to Create Beautiful Photographs
I can’t emphasize how important it is to have communication between a photographer and the person in front of their camera, especially during an intimate portraiture session.
Want to Be a Blue Moon Model?
Blue Moon Boudoir Photography is currently looking for some women from ages 21-45 who are interested in posing for photographs that will be used as sample images for this blog during 2024.
What Makes a Good Boudoir Photograph?
What makes Blue Moon’s intimate portraits so special? Mostly it’s the people in front of and behind the camera but a big part of our success in creating dynamic images is that each of the portraits we create includes all of the important elements that go into making a boudoir photograph or intimate portrait special. So, what are they?
An All-New You
As we begin a new year many people—men and women—make resolutions to get in better shape for 2024, including workouts at the health club and a better diet. Here at Blue Moon Boudoir Photography we have two free offers to help you with that goal: